Wedding of the strange wolrd; Husband divide between two wives

Marriage is quite difficult to most people when it is monogamous. A lot of interesting cases come forth in the court of law from time to time. Be it funny burglary stories or bizarre family disputes, several cases often get settled right outside the court.
One such unique case has come forth from Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh), where two women, wives to the same husband, divided his time every week into two halves and decided to keep him for three days each. The wives were so understanding that they even gave Sunday to the man to let him have some personal space.
An engineer working in Gurugram, Haryana, married 28-year-old Seema in 2018. The couple lived together for two years and went on to have son together. When the coronavirus pandemic hit in 2020, the husband decided drop off his wife and kid to her parents’ house. As the lockdown c0ntinued, Seema stayed at her house while her husband lived alone.
During the time, the husband developed an affair with one of colleagues. As the couple grew closer, they even moved in together despite the man being in a long distance marriage. Finally, the engineer decided to marry his colleague. Soon, they became parents to a baby girl.
The wife told him that she would come to Gurugram from Gwalior and her family found out that in 2021, the man had married his co-worker from the same company. The second wife also gave birth to a girl.
The woman filed a case in a family court in Gwalior for alimony. The court asked advocate and counsellor Harish Dewan to attempt to reach a compromise before the hearing which was scheduled to take place on Tuesday.
Dewan talked to the man and told him that getting married to another woman without divorcing the first wife is punishable under the Hindu marriage act. The lawyer also told the man that he could also lose his job if the first wife filed an FIR.
The three parties then agreed to reach an agreement outside court. Under the agreement, the man has to spend three days of the week with one of his wives and the next three with the other. He is free to spend Sunday with whoever he chooses.
According to Dewan, the first wife can move court if the contract is violated.