The ultimate goal of Israel: ‘Allow Jewish settlement in Gaza after war ends’

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Benjamin Netanyahu dares to do it or not but the right wing organisations in Israel have played the ventriloquist role for the latter, now clearly manifested. Occupation of Gaza by Israel and pave the way for the Jews to settle in there.
Pressures mounting
Several rightwing organisations in Israel have started mounting pressure on the Benjamin Netanyahu government to allow settlements of Jewish people in Gaza once the war ends.
And the Western complicity so far on Israel’s bellicosity, primarily including the US, has already set the pace towards weeding out entire vestiges of Palestine from the Strip.
In the light of the faltering postures of US and others it is clear that the situation may entail that there may be a war between the Arabs and Israel almost leading to a World War like situation.
Reports further say that eleven prominent rightwing organisations have come together for resettlement in Gaza and Northern Samaria. The move is headed by Yossi Daggan head of the Samaria Regional Council and the Nahala movement.
Wiping out Palestinian foot prints!
Daggan, while speaking to media persons in Tel Aviv on Friday, said that only resettlement will provide security to Israel and added that victory against Hamas will come only after settlements come back in Northern Gaza.
He said that settlement of Jewish people was linked to security in the region and called upon the government to resettle Jewish population in the areas immediately after the war ends.
The coalition of right wing organisations have asked the government of Israel to take initiative for resettlement in Northern Gaza as a first step and then expand it to former Jewish settlements like Nitzan, El Sinai and Dugit that are close to Ashkilon.
On October 7, Hamas unleashed a major attack in Ashkelon which borders Gaza.
Zviv Elimelech of the Nahala movement, in a statement on Friday, said that there was a need for widespread resettlement of Jewish population in throughout Gaza and said that the Gaza withdrawal following the Oslo accords have to be nullified.