Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Inflation, then disease and now the healthcare institutions in the hands of private people, life gets to new lows of living in a society that was never like that.
Spanish flue then influenza to normal flue to Covid-19, it all have taken a queer turn in the middle of neglect coupled with incompetence and blood sucking charges, a combined and wholesome ambush on a person who has no other recourse than being on the defensive against the private hospitals.
What can a man do when hung by petard of life and death. It is no more a secret that the private health care system in India has become a hydra-headed problem from which some make fortune while the bottom liners left to fend for themselves.
There is mechanism of the legal wing to regulate the private hospitals that one can go to report. Pay or go back is the philosophy that regulates these sharks.
One is already blinded by remorse of worse to come and the over loaded mule, i.s a patient has no way than fall victim to the flashy adds of these healthcare houses all across. The role of the media is perplexingly disappointing. It goes only after the government hospitals already burdened by millions who are unwell and unwashed.
How many media houses zoom their lenses on the private ones and yet they thinks they are doing a great job. It is the robust PR of the private ones manages to cajole the media to be numbed.
Records reveal that the accountability of private hospitals are rarely fixed for any lapse. There are very rare such cases to be seen. Way back in 2013 it was a West Bengal bases famous private hospital which being pulled up by the Supreme Court had to pay a lofty sum of Rs 5 cr plus for allegedly killed an Indian origin child specialist psychologist from US when she visited India way back.
In nut shell most of the private hospitals remain in the shadow of influence and thus sharing the gains with the ones at the top. Is it the politicians and executives? Yes. Is there any law that holds such owners accountable and harshly punishable is exigent. When the top management is held directly responsible, it will ensure discipline and integrity among the staff. But that rarely happens.
Patients who don’t need intensive care are automatically admitted and kept in ICU to jack up the fees. Fees are listed for specialists who had not even met or treated the patient.
Even a doctor starts scribbling test details before listening to the patients, let alone medicines.