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For whatever, reason, good or bad, Government of India is actively wooing the WHO to get involved with the Department of Ayush.
However, the holistic healers of India are not happy. Because WHO is not holistic health friendly and allegedly represents the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. It will set roadblocks on the path of the development of Ayush by imposing hurdles in the name of reductionist science.
The doctors of the holistic modalities have written to the Health Ministry expressing their apprehensions.
“We the concerned Doctors and Medical practitioners from different medical streams have come together to convey our long-standing grievances regarding the various decisions and steps AYUSH ministry has been taking for these medical sciences, without giving any due attention to our concerns and objections as grassroot clinical practitioners in our respective states. Many similar attempts were made earlier by many doctors to communicate the same, but unfortunately no cognizance was shown by the ministry and issues have remained un-addressed “.
“We wish to share our concerns as practitioners of said medical streams which comes under Ayush. Our very immediate concern is about the Collaboration of AYUSH with World Health Organization (WHO) First let us bring to your notice some more information about WHO and why we should be concerned about its involvement. The link provides all the necessary details which we need to ponder upon”.
WHO (World health organization) has allegedly drifted away from the core foundational
principle of public health care. Sadly, it is more obsessed about power and wants to
get unfettered access to the public health administration of respective countries.
It is a bad sign for the independence and sovereignty of nations across the world.
The recent example which proves this is the covid-pandemic. It is well seen by all
how WHO sabotaged doctors’ fundamental right to practice. Worst affected were
doctors who belong to different medical knowledge systems like ayurveda,
homoeopathy, naturopathy etc.
Below are some of the explanations and requests/demand given by the respective
fraternity doctors.
Medical knowledge systems cannot be considered as “Tradition” (ideas, beliefs, or
practices indigenous to different cultures – referred to by WHO), rather each one is
a Science-Based Medicine. The science here refers to its original meaning derived
from the term “Scientia”, meaning knowledge. Science of Life and the Science of
Medicine. Ayush has not recognized the many more medical knowledge systems
than the 5 mentioned. There are actually over 45 such medical knowledge systems
1. Ayurveda:
• The Science of Ayurveda is deterministic and not probabilistic, which means
there is no randomness or probability in explaining future states. If the initial
state is known exactly by solid fundamental theorems, logic, and principles
of this science, then the future state could be predicted and demonstrated by
the true and established (cause-effect relationship) premises of the science.
• There is transparency and predictability for the inbuilt theorems, logic, and
principles of Ayurvedic Science which adopts deductive reasoning of logic
to validate and establish its conclusions. This science is capable to make
accurate predictions when the premises are rightly applied in their intended
• Ayurveda which is an independent medical science with its own independent
scientific footage of infrastructure and innate research methodologies, is
entirely incompatible with the reductionist inductive reasoning-oriented
approach of Western Medicine led by probabilistic uncertainties.
• Scientific validation of Ayurveda is possible only by the science of Ayurveda
and never by the inductive reasoning-oriented tools of Biostatistics.
In Ayurveda, research commences from the logic of the background science of
Ayurveda and not from the resultant random observations of blind
experimentation with unknown compounds. Herbal formulations which are
statistically proven in various clinical conditions based on a hypothesis and RCT-derived results are not at all considered medicine (Bhaishajya) in
Ayurvedic science, whereas the treatment principle-oriented formulation for
reversal of disease pathology is only considered as medicine in Ayurvedic
Ayurveda strictly condemns the blind application of Medicine
(Blinded Randomised control trials) and it mentions “Inbuilt Science
(inbuilt) led reasoning (Shaastra sahita tarka)” as the accepted golden
standard of clinical decisions.
2. Homoeopathy:
• It is said that Homoeopathy existed before Hahnemann in the same way as
gravity existed before Newton. Both of them had explored their realities.
Homoeopathy was discovered out of need and want of individualized and
holistic cure, which was lacking in the then medical science of allopathy.
Homoeopathy is based on basic principle of “Similia similibus curantur” or
“like cures like”.
• In spite of this, unfortunately homoeopathy has been questioned about its
scientific basis, when in fact this science has timely proved its efficacy
always in acute as well as chronic ailments, cases where patients have lost
hope of recovery.
• Homoeopathy has been criticized by many as a ‘placebo therapy’, which is
absolute insult to its scientific basis. It has its own modus-operandi and basic
principles as pillars of homoeopathic science.
• The efficacy of these medicines in infants, children, adults, plants & animals
is proven and hence there is dire need to wash off the bias about it from
Wikipedia to paid media & from WHO to Pharma industry.
• Research methods of subjective evidences should be accepted as proof of
evidences as Homoeopathy is a system based on individual responses to
individual medicines, as no two cases are alike, just as every living creature
on this planet is unique in its own way.
3. Naturopathy:
• In Naturopathy and Yogic sciences there are no medicines that are
prescribed. It’s a Natural Chikitsa.
• Medicine is a western word which doesn’t have the meaning of Sanskrit word
“Chikitsa”. Chikitsa means a treatment that heals. So, it should not be
misunderstood that because it doesn’t have any chemical formula or Herbs as
medicines so it should not be a part of Medicine.
• The treatments that are used to assist body’s innate healing power are
Hydrotherapy, Mud therapy, therapeutic massage, Diet and fasting, Yogic
Shuddhi kriyas, Acupuncture and Acupressure.
All these treatments are given according to the patient’s conditions and
1. Hence all medical science systems under AYUSH (plus those not listed
too) should not be considered as traditional medicine but rather they
should be considered as evidence based medical sciences because they
have their healing evidences.
2. WHO can have no power over AYUSH medicines and treatments.
3. All the motives of the scientists and leaders has to be clear and they
cannot have any right to regulate or suppress these systems in any
emergencies, conditions or pandemic or whatsoever.
4. Letting WHO play any authoritative role with Ayush medical
knowledge systems will be dangerous for all medical systems that are
legally practiced in India. Unless we raise our voice collectively today,
we may soon lose our identity and rights completely.
Fortunately, rights of citizens to choose the medical system of their choice is
respected in India. This is aligned with the bodily rights enshrined in the Nuremberg
Code. In our country, we have a different types of therapeutic medical system
facilities available and acceptable for the citizens in the form of AYUSH
CGHS dispensaries under the Central Government Health Scheme in the country
are doing excellent work where patients have the option of different systems of
Medicine available under one roof like that of Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy,
Unani and Siddha medicines.
Medical Emergencies are also most of the times averted with help of these medical
systems if the case is approached at right time during disease progression.
Negligence is universal, irrespective of pathy but as per statistics iatrogenic diseases
are in the name of Allopathy…!
All these different medical fraternities cannot be regulated by Western research
methods and policies owing to the reasons explained above. The nature of these
sciences and the goals of action of Medicine are entirely different from that of
Western Medicine.
1. Ayush Ministry must understand that these various medical systems are not
Traditional Medicine, but rather it is Science (of Life) Based Evidence (inbuilt)
Based Medicine.