Moblienews24x7 Bureau ( Spl)
The plight of the patient requires serious thought. From the beggar on the street to the heads of countries all have experienced injustice and exploitation but there is no serious effort to solve the problem once and for all. All seem to be hypnotized under its spell. We have created a new caste system with a new breed of priests.
Why is the world powerless? This system has defined its own rules and got them ratified by countries. It has ensured a monopoly, normalized disease and placed itself as the sole saviour. It has ensured a huge marketing network and the resultant income flows to a wide array of stakeholders. It has a hold on the media that advertises its failures as success.
The money that flows into its coffers has increased its powers manifold and the entry of powerful business entities seeking quick returns and high growth makes it invincible as these entities know how to paralyze the system.
While insurance is being projected as the answer, the fact that families are paying yearly premiums of more than a lakh belies the claim. The insurance money is easy return and the bills are generated based on the sum assured. Insurance has broadened the scope of the loot and made it easy.
The system is today the largest employer and almost every household has a member gaining from the salaries earned and business generated. Therefore there are very few who are willing to open their mouths to protest. The whole world has become “patient”.
The absolute lack of public resistance and the blind belief of the people emboldened the system to launch Covid with fanfare. While the cause remains unresolved, the draconian measures undertaken under the excuse of greater good continue to take a heavy toll.
Studies have proven without doubt that measures like use of experimental drugs and vaccines, lockdowns and masks, worsened the situation. In the background a huge wealth transfer was noticed favouring the ultra rich earning the pandemic the epithet of being a plandemic.
Modern medicine has led to universal sickness. This is because it fails to move according to scientific research that has overtaken the ancient theories it proceeds upon. This has led to a situation where opening of a hospital in every street has become a reality.
No state can finance this demand and there is pressure that the state should altogether withdraw from the health sector leaving the playing field for the wolves. There is a plan to privatize the entire set up including the generic drugs initiative of the Govt.
There must be a way out of this mess. There must be a David somewhere to tackle this Goliath that threatens to decimate all life on earth.