‘May Day’ a dream that still eludes us even after 75 years and they could never be partners

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
It is day that reminds us about the heroic men, the labourers, on whose shoulders we build huts to ivory towers.
Why May Day? It helps marking the struggles and undeterred patience of the labour which was preceded by an international labour movements.
Although it is a transition phase in the climate, when the pleasant spring retreats and the scorching summer sets in,it helps us to the roots in an ancient European tradition that celebrates the coming of summer with a May Queen, floral garlands and dancing around a May Pole.
On the flip side, the May Day also is sounded as inauspicious during voyages in a ship or onboard a flight, sending warnings about a crucial time ahead and seeking help from the monitoring centres.
We may also look at the May Day that derives its name from the workers uprising in Chicago on 1 May 1886 asking for an eight-hour work day and is still, a century and a half later, acknowledged as a day to commemorate workers’ struggles worldwide. In many countries, the day is a public holiday.
On the other side, portrayal of the labour in songs, films and poetry, they have occupied a prime spot.
‘Ganga se bhi pawan hai mazdoor ka paseena’and that was one how the poets viewed the unparalleled contribution of the labour.
Even Karl Max extolled the image of labour as they are the ones who construct a castle brick by brick but never knew the regal luxury which is enjoyed by the owners only.
Like him there were many who dreamt of a red tide that would wash over all ills and oppressions, removing injustices and Much was expected from the coming of independence, not least being the safeguarding of farmers’ and workers’ rights.
Much was expected from the coming of independence, not least being the safeguarding of farmers’ and workers’ rights. While the abolition of zamindari and land reforms were put into effect almost immediately by the Nehru government, the rosy future predicted by some failed to materialise.