Horrendous : one man cut to pieces followed by massive procession by Hindu orgs at Hamirpur against Chamba incident

Hamirpur (HP), June 19 : Strongly protesting against Chamba incident in which one Manohar was brutely cut into pieces and his body was put in a jute bag by a minority family, hundreds of activists of Hindu organizations took out a massive procession through main Bazaar Hamirpur on Monday.
Raising slogans demanding death punishment to the killers and setting up of (NIA) to investigate the accused and give them punishment, they moved from Post office chowk to Gandhi chowk of the town.
They also held a massive demonstration at Gandhi chowk and held a rally there where speakers blasted the rulers for adopting appeasing policies towards so-called minority communities.
Punkaj Bjhartiya, the Joint secretary of state VHP said the Salooni incident in Chamba was shocking and it had led to resentment among the masses.
He demanded that outsiders should be sent back to their respective places as they were creating seeds of hatred in the local people.
A memorandum was also handed over to the Deputy Commissioner, Hamirpur in which a strong demand for immediate punishment to the culprits of Manohar was made.
The memorandum said, “For some time, Islamic extremist extremism is increasing in the entire state, Hindus are being systematically attacked. People of heroic nature are working day and night to shed blood on the land”.
The brutal murder of Hindu warrior Manohar in Saloni area of Chamba district is a vivid example of this. The inhuman manner in which Manohar’s body has been cut into several pieces, was an act of humiliation of human beings, even animals do not do such an act, the extent of this act is less to be condemned, it added.