Mobilrnews24x7 Bureau
Was that expected, one does know exactly but the ones who succeeded to do that are happier than as never before.
A transman in Kerala defies the nature to become a mother for once. It is not for Zahad anymore to remain in a transition as a transman, but motherhood and that through conception embrace motherhood for nine months. Believe it the first trans-couple from Khazikote, Zahad and Siya are in state of jubilation for their first baby in another month or so. Sounds strange and to make it more pronounced they have posted a picture where the 27 year old Zahad shown the pregnancy.
Obviously, the pic has gone viral and drawing attentions and rocking psyches. Was is their moto , yes, that is their life and goal also which has heaped joy to life regardless of fears in the beginning but ultimately destiny prevailed upon and they want that all must join to make it memorable as a special moment.