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They have been living here in Janata Camp for over a decade and the little ones’ can be seen now showcasing G20 logo printed on the back. Yet they have been issued with notices by the authotrities for vacation of the land, adjacent to Pragati Maidan which is going to host the G20 Summit.
Please do not evict us is the general cry in and around. “ How can they be suddenly bulldozed for a cause, so the mattter has been taken to the court and it has been stayed but we do not know what comes up in days to come” said Madanlal Pawa, one of the petitioners, talking to Mobilenews24x7.
En-numbe of kids could be seen sporting the Logo but little could they realize that, their mirth can be finished any day for the G20 headed by India.The cheery notes of the shanties are on the wane as the news about a possible eviction reached them.
“A summit should not blow the roofs over their heads and that should have been thought of beforehand, September is around the corner” quipped Pawa. Summer is at the threshold and an eviction at this point of time needs a long way to restore the old living for over 100 families.
“Ten years is a long period, children are in nearby schools and then many other things as health and sanitations” said Pawa adding that, “they want walls be raised to hide them from VIPs”.
On 28 January, Public Works Department (PWD) officials pasted eviction notices asking residents to vacate the houses within 15 days. While no reason was specified, residents believe that the “clean-up” is being done for the summit.
Before any demolition or eviction activity could be carried out, the Delhi High Court on 14 February ordered a stay on the notice, asking the government authorities to file a report. Uncertainty, however, looms large on the minds of the residents.
It may be mentioned here that the camp is home mostly to daily wage labourers and street vendors. This, however, is not the first time they’ve faced a threat of bulldozers. Similar drives were carried out ahead of the Commonwealth Games that India hosted in 2010.