Thiruvananthapuram, Nov 14 : Citing inadequacies and their solutions, school children presented innovative ideas on Tuesday before local bodies for better management of waste, turning a new chapter in Kerala’s Malinya Muktham Nava Keralam campaign that seeks to clean and green the state.
The Students’ Haritha Sabhas, held all over Kerala on Children’s Day, gave the young generation a chance to point out local issues around waste management systems and come up with possible rectifications.
Students reviewed the waste management in their areas and suggested measures for improvement. Representatives of civic bodies faced a barrage of questions, prompting the authorities to plug the loopholes in the system.
In the state capital, the Haritha Sabha organised by Thiruvananthapuram Corporation was inaugurated by V.K. Prashanth, MLA. About 100 students from various schools in the city participated in the proceedings.
The participants held group discussions on seven topics related to waste management. Their observations were submitted before the Corporation for consideration. The suggestions were based on their visits to various localities.
Prashanth, while inaugurating the Sabha, urged the children to correct their elders on possible faults in the execution of waste management. The Corporation’s Standing Committee (Education, Arts, and Sports) Chairperson Ms Saranya S.S. presided over the function. Councillor Ms Rakhi Ravikumar administered the oath in respect of responsible waste management policy.
Haritha Keralam Mission State Coordinator Ms TN Seema delivered the keynote address. Standing Committee (Health) chairperson Ms Gayathri Babu presented a report on the waste management systems of the corporation. Standing Committee (Development) Chairperson Ms Shajida Nazar welcomed the gathering, while Health Supervisor B. Biju proposed thanks.
Corporation Secretary Binu Francis moderated the discussions. District coordinators of Suchitwa Mission and Haritha Kerala Mission interacted with the students.
The valedictory session was addressed by Ms Dr Divya S. Iyer, Project Director, Kerala Solid Waste Management Project, which is jointly carrying out the Malinya Muktham Nava Keralam campaign along with Suchitwa Mission, Clean Kerala Company, Kudumbasree, Kerala Institute for Local Administration (KILA) and the Haritha Kerala Mission, Nava Keralam Karma Padhathi, all under the Local Self Government Department.
The three-phase ‘Malinya Muktham Nava Keralam’ was launched on 15 March this year. The campaign aims at making the entire LSG institution garbage-free by March 2024.