Mobilenews24x7 Bureau (Exclusive)
For once the authorities in Bombay IIT are made to be answerable how do they miss out on such obnoxious comments on the students from the Dalit communities for availing free education.
It is also time that the politically hungry leaders exercise their conscious as why institutions where caste discrimination can lead to suicides like in the case of Darshan Solanki who was pushed to the brink of death.
They will do but just before the 2024 polls!
Reports emerging from Mumbai and other news platforms doubly corroborate that, the mentally coaxed Dalit students have enough of it which is worse than physical ragging.
Darshan’s family members have somehow gathered the evidence about how Solanki was mentally tortured by questions like ‘ Why a Dalit student should get free education’?
Not once but time and again firing of such barbed taunts can upset many and records have it that incidents as in the case of Darshan are not to be seen in isolation.
It has become all pervasive in many high profiled institutions like Bombay IIT. Beyond a point, anybody’s tolerance gives up.
This has come from the deceased’s close relative Divyaben who perhaps no other motive once the boy is no more.
Although the CJI of the Supreme Court has taken cognizance of it but little did happen afterwards.
The authorities at the IIT obviously would not admit that, such practices of mental annihilation of Dalit students have become venomously prevalent.
Ironically for Darshan’s bereaved family faced more disappointment when a committee found that he could have been seriously affected by academic low performance and no specific evidence to conclude that, caste discrimination was the reason.
Which Darshan;s father has vehemently opposed saying it were all tailor-made by the higher authorities.
It were the practices which prevailed in the institution now one can expect that the dead boy would come to speak, so the version of the family cannot be altogether dismissed.
“Darshan had always been a bright student, who had “topped even in school” and used to help other students in studies when he was younger”Divyaben was quoted in the media report.