Believe it or not: Let’s not dismiss Carbon dioxide, it is the building block of all life on Earth

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau(Exclusive)
There is no definitive scientific proof, through real-world observation, that carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate
But there is certainty beyond doubt that it is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration this would be a dead planet.” – Dr. Patrick Moore
Canadian Dr. Patrick Moore has been an ecologist and environmentalist for more than 50 years and is a co-founder of Greenpeace. After being involved for 15 years in Greenpeace’s leadership he left. Why?
“When Greenpeace began, we had a strong humanitarian orientation, to save civilization from destruction by all-out nuclear war,” he said. “Over the years the ‘peace’ in Greenpeace was gradually lost and my organisation, along with much of the environmental movement, drifted into a belief that humans are the enemies of the earth … As we shall see later in the presentation there is very good reason to see humans as essential to the survival of life on this planet.”
Sourced from Dr Patrik Moore’s interpretation (Noted ecologist and environmentalist)