Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Recounts of a man who never faltered in crisis, Siddaramaiah was sipping coffee when Cong was not even half-way through on the day of counting in May 10.
As I was told by eyewitness scribes it was a sultry afternoon as the air was agog with media readying to get a byte of the day. Soon it was noticed the Karnataka Congress stalwart Siddaramaiah’s car approaching towards the area he had contested for.
Soon he was surrounded by media people swarming around and half-uttered questions shot at the possible chief minister designate as the buzz was then.
Without a care in the world
He smiled without a shred of worry and told the waiting scribes that the Congress is going to win at least 130 seats.
It was no mere fight. Coupled with the BJP blitzkrieg and the high octane road shows by PM Modi, Siddaramaiah was contesting with big ones like V Somanna, a BJP minister, was very cool and reassuring by his persona.
Pollsters, poll analysts and political think-tanks had not even in their wildest thoughts imagined that the beleaguered Congress would hit a whopping 135 and un-nerve the saffron giants including the Prime Minister Modi.
It is a different matter as what would be the ramification of the K’taka and how far would it impact the 2024 elections but it can as well be a chance for the Congress to reinvigorate itself taking notes from K’taka.
The Congress shall be facing Assembly elections in 2024 in four states and would that be a turning point in Indian politics is a question that would be bothering the BJP and making the Congress to reassure itself that this could be a new beginning.