Ukraine War Sees Rise In Demand For Private Military Firms

Washington, March 9: The war in Ukraine has seen a rise in the demand for freelance soldiers who are willing to covertly go to that country and fight against Russian forces for a handsome sum of money, BBC reported on Wednesday. The conditions for recruitment includes that the volunteers should be multilingual and are likely to be paid up to $2,000 (£1,523) per day – plus bonus – to help rescue families from the conflict, the advert said.
This particular advert was taken from an employment website, Silent Professionals, for those working in the private military and security industry. According to reports demand is growing for such volunteers as the war in Ukraine rages on US and European which private contractors say they are increasingly eying opportunities, ranging from ‘extraction’ missions to helping with logistics. Even as Westerns volunteers are joining the fight in Ukraine, for which they can expect to be paid the same as their Ukrainian counterparts, money is being offered by private interests for security services like the one advertised on Silent Professionals. But the demand for paid security workers – many of them former soldiers trained to fight and kill with no accountability – leaves plenty of room for mistakes, and the potential for bedlam.