Do not torture the kids: Education ministry must close the schools in this blistering heat wave till it subsides

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau(Exclusive)
One wonders at the finer sense of the Odisha’s educational authorities who have let the school going small children to slug out under the severe heat-wave conditions in the state.
Can the Chief Secretary of the state review the situation with fresh inputs from the ground as the concerned ministry seems sitting with its blinkers on.
The pandemic induced hiatus of schools shut for two months has not forced the heaven crack down so, why not protect our children from another killer?
One shivers at the sights when at 11 am the school children come out of the school premises and run around outside either looking for a transport or waiting for some from the family to pick them up.
Under the burning sun, raining fire and the blister from above and down, kids can be seen indulge in fun and frolic by sprinkling water from their bottles just to beat the heat.
One can also see a group of little students in the care of the security men, tucking them into their sheds at the gate and a few on the out till their parents come and pick them up.
It is a pitiful sight that the children are left to such distress under a 40 degree plus shower of heat.
The government can always make a reality check before throwing open the schools in this killer heat.