Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
TN Guv Rummy Ravi (Bihari) and TN BJP Chief Goaty Annamalai keep on crying that TN has been totally destroyed in all fronts by the Dravidian rulers since 1967!
“Over 38% of Gujarat’s population remains ‘undernourished’. Nearly half of the rural population deprived of nutrition”: As per Govt think-tank NITI Aayog’s National Multidimensional Poverty Index.
States like Chh’garh, MP, Rajasthan,Up fared better than Gui on the hi
front. Gui ranked 4th in terms of stunted children & 2nd in terms of wasted and underweight, according to NFHS-5 data 39.7% kids in Guj underweight for their! age and 25.1% wasted. This reflects the state’s poor performance in terms of health metrics.
The %ge of multidimensional poor in 2019-21 (NFHS-5):*
Guj-11.66, Maharashtra-7.81, Karnataka-7.58, Andhra Pradesh-6.06, Punjab-4.75, TN-2.2, Keralam-0.55. Gujarat not on the list of 10 top performing states.
GUJARAT still has a long way to go on the nutrition front as 31.09 percent of the population in the state is undernourished, according to the National Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPD re-port, released by Niti Anyor in July this year Nearly half of the riral Gujarat population is de prived of nutrition (44.45 per cent), while the figure for urban areas is 28.97 per cent.
According to the Niti Aayog report, backward states such as Chhattisgarh. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have fared comparatively better than Gujarat on the nutrition front.
Gujarat ranked fourth in terms of stunted children, ao conding to data of NFHS 5 (Na-tional Family Health Survey)
an rulers since 1967!