Be Patient, This Phase Too Shall Pass: Akhtar

Pune, March 4 : Javed Akhtar, who is known for his not so apolitical statements, on Friday said people should be patient with the current phase and this era of “sensitivity and extremism in language” too shall pass as “we are all children of farmers” and “patience is in our blood”. When asked about the frequency of the films and opinions that have constantly been accused of hurting sentiments of people, Akhtar speaking at the ongoing 20th Pune International Film Festival (PIFF) here, said “such kinds of things are short lived and are only done to gain attention”. “However, as a society we have always been moderate and have not fallen prey to any kind of extremism.
“If we look at our history, we all are the descendants of farmers. Their blood is running in our veins. That is why patience is our virtue. We must be patient while this phase of sensitivity and extremism in language would also pass.” He also talked about the bringing in of the communal angle in films. Akhtar said: “Those filmmakers who only care about themselves and their people bring in the angle of communalism in their films.
“If you look at the credit titles of any film made to be successful and earn money, it would have names of people from all castes, religion and communities.” While concluding the interaction, he said that the current generation is socially conscious and matured than the earlier generation of filmmakers. “I am hopeful that in the future, our films would be more realistic, will have moral courage and would showcase fantastic stories,” he said.
With UNI Inputs