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Silicon Valley, the Hindu Classes! Who are they to tell about Hindu ethics based on caste?

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau

Caste discrimination simply doesn’t exist now: Senator Niraj Antani.


The logic to defend an indefensible is like what has been touted by Niraj Antani, based purely on misplaced priority to defend caste discrimination in Silicon  Valley. And what is more amazing that the propagators stands on a false premise that, t happens in a place in United States and that  too by a certain diaspora from India.

A more bizarre argument and ridiculous lee away to say that, the discrimination is age old. After all who  are they in the Valley? A handful of migrant Indians settled there with all that  deplorable prejudice like Caste discrimination.

To say that this is foundation of Indian cultural ethos and support its spread in India is repulsive.

Who are they ? 

1) Caste Discrimination Rampant Among Silicon Valley Indian-Americans – SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2020 –
2) The Specter of Caste in Silicon Valley. Indian immigrants from Dalit backgrounds are rising up against caste discrimination at their workplaces in the United States. July 14, 2020 – New York Times.

3) India’s engineers have thrived in Silicon Valley. So has its caste system. Engineers and advocates of the lowest-ranked castes say that tech companies don’t understand caste bias and haven’t explicitly prohibited caste-based discrimination. By Nitasha Tiku. October 27, 2020 – Washington Post.

4) How big tech is importing India’s caste legacy to Silicon Valley – March 11, 2021 – Bloomberg
5) Explosive report reveals caste discrimination in Silicon Valley – Oct 28, 2020 – India Today.
6) Caste in America & the long battle behind the ecstatic shouts of Jai Bhim in Seattle. The move was supported by public intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and Cornell West. Ravi Shinde, 24 Feb, 2023, ThePrint.

Indians carry their decadent caste culture wherever they migrate, be it America, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Ceylon, Christianity, Islam … …

Niraj Antani’s counterparts in India are also asking: “Caste discrimination in 21st century! Are you crazy?”

Indians don’t see caste. Don’t hear caste. Don’t speak caste.They only practice! Ludicrous.

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