‘I Owe You All I Have’

May 24: Proud Parents- these two words holds a world within. starting from the tiny first steps of their kids, all micro and macro successes of their children, parents celebrate it all till the last breath of their lives. And these warm videos often go viral on social media.
One such heart touching video of a graduation ceremony is now circulating on social media. The video shows the son presenting his degree to his mother with all love and respect.
The video was released on the Instagram page GoodNews Movement by Antonio (@theantoniochavezz). Where the young Mexican man dedicates his graduation certificate to his mother. The mother kisses him on the forehead with teary eyes.
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The video, which has garnered social media attention, has so far been viewed by over 3.2 million people.
Feminism does not happen to the father only when the son is born. Some netizens commented on the video saying that the verse was literally true here.