Men At Amsterdam Airport Made Flyers Laugh By Rowing

May 22: Fun never waits for TMP formula. The befitting is the time the act is done for people to role down laughing. Like the case here at the airport. Have you ever seen people rowing a boat at Airport? Yes you can see it to believe so.
The hilarious video was shared on Twitter by the page ‘Buitengebieden’, which regularly shares funny and positive viral videos from around the internet. The video has received over 627k views and 43k likes.
The clip shows four men, who are just in the mood for a vacation, having a blast while rowing a pretend boat on the moving walkway. Flyers passing by the men at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam couldn’t hold back their laughter as they saw them ‘rowing’ on the autowalk. A few girls could be seen laughing as the four guys did the rowing exercises while sitting on the moving walkway.
Meanwhile at the airport.. ?
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) May 21, 2022