Mah: Restrictions Lifted As Cases Decline

Mumbai, Feb 1: Following sharp decline in the number of corona cases in the state, the Maharashtra government has lifted the Covid related restrictions in the state on Tuesday. Restrictions in the state have been relaxed after the state managed to control the spread of the virus, especially the new variant Omicron, an official release said.
As per the new notifications, from Tuesday, all tourist destinations, national parks, safari parks will be opened. Amusement parks, theme parks, swimming pools, water parks will open with 50 per cent capacity.
Similarly, restaurants, theaters, cinemas are allowed to operate at 50 per cent capacity within the time stipulated by the local authorities. Even, the limit of 20 persons has been also removed.
Attendance at weddings and other cultural events will be 25 per cent of capacity or a maximum of 200 people, the notification added. Notably, number of Covid cases are declining in the state and recovery rate is more than than the new cases.