States and UTsWeather and Environment

India’s first bio village in Tripura

Agartala, Sep 3 : Tripura is home to the first modified bio-village in the country.

Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma said on Saturday that Daspara village — a helmet of 64 families solely dependent on agriculture and fishery — converted to a nature-based lifestyle and livelihood and reduced the use of chemical fertilizer.

This is one of the five successful bio-village 2.0 conceptualised in Tripura after the BJP came to power and adopted the climate change mitigation endeavor of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Dev Varma said.

“Tripura has already implemented the bio-village 2.0 components across 10 villages where over a thousand marginalized people were targeted to modify their lifestyle and livelihood to an adaptive behaviour of nature-based technology promoted by Directorate of Bio-Technology,” he said.

Officials said the success of Tripura has been recognized as one of the best practices to attain sustainable development goals.

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