Ukraine’s Humanitarian Crisis Due To Kyiv’s Actions: Russia

Moscow, March 3: The authorities in Kyiv use prohibited methods of warfare and violate international law, as a result, bringing Ukraine to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe, the head of the National Defence Control Center, Col. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev, said on Thursday.
According to the official, terrorist actions of nationalists in Ukraine were recorded, including holding citizens of India, Vietnam, China and other countries by force, opening fire at them.
The terrorists use them as hostages and blackmail them. “Such a catastrophic state of affairs is developing practically throughout the entire territory of Ukraine. All these facts openly testify to the use of prohibited methods of warfare by the Kiev regime and the violation of international law. Thus, a humanitarian catastrophe has practically developed in Ukraine,” Mizintsev said.
Russia has already created all the necessary conditions for a safe evacuation of the population, he added.