Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
More than two hundred MPs are yet to vacate their official bungalows in Delhi despite notifications.
According to a PTI report more than 260 MPs who won elections have not been given official houses and are staying in different guest houses etc.
” Around 50 former Lok Sabha MPs have not still vacated their official bungalows located in Lutyens’ Delhi.If they fail to vacate in some,says the report.
But the government has not yet contemplated any action against them despite the mandatory 3 days to vacate.
All land and buildings in the LBZ(Lutyens Bungalow Zone) 9 belong to the central government, except for 254.5 acres (103.0 ha) which is in private hands. It is a very important and expensive zone in New Delhi. There are about 1000 bungalows in the LBZ, of which less than ten percent are in private hands.
As many as five former Union ministers, who are still occupying bungalows above their entitlement, have communicated their willingness to vacate government accommodation in the national capital, Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry officials said on Friday, according PTI report.
But they have not done within the mandatory periods and only willingness.Then why this selective action against some who perhaps do not belong to the BJP.
Manish Sisodia who is facing trial over Excise and now snooping, his family is given just five days to vacate, does sound bit over drawn.
Manish is neither a anti-social nor criminal pending the proceedings then why this ambush like action.
Everything is resting on willingness but the law mechanism finds no urgency.
In politics sometimes prudence prevails but the political prudence cannot be allowed to ride rough-shod when it is a question of a family.