Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Since last few days there have been a few tumbling of skeletons from the Women’s Commission wing.
Some of them in a seemingly tilt at ..like..me too.. have come out to demonise a relationship and what do they want to say. All the daughters at home are usual victims of male members and ridiculously so, the fathers.
Just two days back, actor turned politician and now member of the National Commission For Women(NCW) Khusboo Sundar made a revelation about how she, when 8 years, had been sexually abused by her father and it was for a good period.
Now, the chief of the Delhi Commission for Women(DCW) soon followed stating that, she had been raped by her father too. “ I was sexually assaulted by my father” said Swati Maliwal chairperson DCW.
It might be that, soon a few more may follow suit and come out with such startling confessions or revelations.
In similar way the ‘Mee Too’ once became an obsessive trend for sometime.
After a prolonged silence over such alleged incidents, why do such people go for such revelations and what do they intend to say.
To punish the fathers or gain a stand-apart space in the society virtue of the social rankings.
The biggest question that appear to be unavoidable that, what had made them muted so far.
If at all to tell the fathers regarding what they did, then why did not they came out about those assaults after so many years.
“ I was being sexually assaulted and raped by my father when I was a child” said Swati Maliwal and fear of physical assault she kept mum.
From then only she was thinking to punish such people and like a fairy-tale today she heads the DCW. That sounds little overdrawn as a moral takeaway.
Same is the thing with Khusboo who had told that, she was muted and when she was 16, her father ran away from home.
Then why this sudden wisdom in hind-sight to draw a moral equivalence now.