When reason gets consumed by political ambitions, people’s plights double

By D N Singh
What is most significant and the pressing quest by all of us, people and people, is respite from hardships ushered in by the very recent years.
That is, cost of living. But, do our system that rules, ever bother about the immediate most things to be addressed.
The cycle has been showing itself so differently and the political leaders of the country have their fixed set of ideals to be pursued, come-what-may.
A recent news reads that, this years’ Deepostav’ on the banks of Sarayu in Ayodhya is on a record spree again. More thah 14.5 lakh earthen Diyas(lamps) to be lit this year at the Ghats. The record is more important and the rest is routine.
Last year it was a celebration of 7.5 lakh diyas. Even the nation was not given its due respite during the peak Covid when lakhs of Diyas were lit to keep the invisible virus away.
With the next big election due in 2024, every state governments and the national government keep their focus on that, be it delivery or piles of promises. Rest all are rhetoric.
So far, the country in the recent years has already spent a whopping sum of abour Rs.15k crores on erecting of statues and a few more are in the pipeline.
Such kind of religious or whatsoever extravaganzas are being promoted at public expense but the same public keeps looking up at a time when he can come back home with a shopping bag full even after spending few hundred rupees.