” We Cannot Live This Way Any Longer” Were Mikhail’s Last Words And Today He Ceased To Live

By D N Singh
A man of spectacular vision who strode through the allies of hardcore communism and tried to instill glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring ) into the system that ruled.
Notwithstanding the contrarian stances taken by many in the world, Gorvachev had set in motion a slew of revolutionary changes which ultimately transformed the map of the world and gave a marked halt to the Cold War brewing within threatening with Nuclear and he could annihilate it.
Unmatched and unique, that in any century, any leader have had such an impact. Long six years, and saturated by a tumultuous times, Mikhail Gorvachev torn apart the Iron Curtain and ushered in a visible change in the world climate.
Although many dubbed his concept as poeticisation of politics, he started from Soviet Union itself, for openness when he found the need of restructuring the system to save it from a faltering economy.
Unthought-of then, but he succeeded in the dissolution of the Soviet Union Of Socialist Republic, stopped his country’s debacle in Afghanistan.
“We cannot live this way any longer” were perhaps his last words in Associated Press and then he was hounded by hardcore communist hounds and never came back.