Odisha labourer fakes his own death to get rid of wife; Traced To Mumbai

The alleged murder of a migrant labourer from Gajapati district, plotted a fake murder of himself to stay away from his wife. He has been rescued by Odisha police from Mumbai.
According to reports, Sarat Parichha, a migrant labourer from Bariagaon village in Gajapati district, faked his murder reportedly to stay away from his wife. Sarat reportedly made a video call to his family in Gajapati on March 6 showing that he was being roughed up by some miscreants in Tamil Nadu. A few days later, his family received a photograph of a body sent from his mobile phone. Sarat’s wife had then appealed to the state government to bring the body back to their native place.
On the basis of the complaint, Gajapati police swung into action. After tracking the mobile phone, it was found that the video was not shot from Tamil Nadu, rather it was shot in Mumbai.
Subsequently, a police team from Gajapati landed in Mumbai and brought Sarat to Odisha. He has been detained by Adava police. Further investigation into the incident is currently underway.
Preliminary investigation revealed that he plotted the fake murder to stay away from his wife. He has been detained at Adava police station here for questioning.