Sub-protocols for roadside food outlets in BMC area

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Bhubaneswar, Sep 8: It is out in the open, no need to see through an window as what has happened to the roadside kerb and footpaths in major parts of the capital city, Bhubaneswar. There is a disappointing scene all around as no footpath is free for walkers or pedestrians.
On, almost, every footpath, there are make-shift vendor outlets, and some semi-permanent, encroached and functioning as eateries, tea stalls and even small time hotels and auto-repair shops. Interestingly majority areas are encroached as parking for four wheels and two wheeler parking, rather brazenly.
All this going on for long but, good thing that, late in the day, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation has taken it with a serious note now.
In a release the BMC has said that, it has come to the knowledge of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation(BMC) that a great number of food outlets are doing their business on the road side without having sufficient parking facility and sanitation protocols.
Their customer are used to park their vehicles on the road and eat there causing heavy sanitation hazards and traffic congestion, which in posing problem for the local people and for the commuters.
Therefore, all the vendors of all Road side Food outlets and their vendor’s associations hereby directed ti abide by following condition.
- No food outlets should be on the road, footpath & over drains.
- Food outlets having no sufficient parking space for vehicles of customer should not serve food item on the spot. They should opt for Take-home food or On-line delivery of their food items only.
- The food outlets having required parking space have to follow the sanitation protocols of BMC and keep twin dustbins in their shops, store garbage in segregated way and handover to door to door collection vehicles, clean 5 meters radius of their outlet by themselves.
- The food outlet workers are to wear clean dress and good attire, such as, Head cap, Clean Apron, Hand Gloves and Face Mask etc. and serve the food in hygienic manner.
- The food outlet has to obey and all principles of food safety.
- No food outlet is allowed to business in location designated as “No vending zone” by BMC.
Any deviation to these instruction will be viewed seriously and BMC will take all measures to impose fine and close the shop with cancellation of trade license and seizer of the vehicles illegally parked on the road for such.
It is a good beginning but those problems mentioned above can be solved but if a sustained campaign and actions follow them.