Politics In Odisha, Then And Now, From Multi-polar One To Politics Of Popularity

By D N Singh
Odisha despite being a peaceful state with multicultural nuance, but it had its turmoils in the past. Since its formation in 1936, there is no basis to measure the course of politics here by any sweeping narrative.
Rather there had been a kind of roller-coaster ride, right from the premiership of Maharaja of Parlakhemudi , Krushna Chandra Gajapati on wards to Dr Hareskrusna Mahtab with the interspersion of in between.
Barring a few, it were mostly the regional chieftains who appeared in the state politics, then in its most nascent state. Interestingly, each of the emerging leaders being erudite and politically starters, each somehow had appeared as the fountainheads of power which sometimes erupted in political disquiet but ultimately, the ones those were deft at placing their pawns, rightly claimed their positions.
But, at last, once the initial days’ filibustering paled, some good leaders popped up in the political stage. Dr.Harekrushna Mahtab, Biju Patnaik, Nilamani Routray, Biren Mitra and later J.B Patnaik and Nandini Satpathy stood up like a few pillars in politics of Odisha.
The realignments were visible till the political fulcrum tilted at the Congress party with J B Patnaik at the helm for quite sometimes.
Political Window-shopping
And on the other hand, there was an interesting blend of orthodox and modern political approach in which Patnaik came out as an accomplished survivor for over a decade or more.
Each of them carved their niches and became power centers and that was a short phase when the regional politics got a bit unbridled.
But what were the salient features of then, was, the existence of a multi-polar political structure when for the youngsters in the quest of passports into politics, the opportunities were ample.
It was a kind of multi-destination political metrics where the aspirants could go for political window-shopping. If not here then the door next like the legendary leader like Biju Babu standing at par yet had the energy and aura to dwarf the rest.
Which got reflected in Biju Babu, bouncing back in 1990 riding on the crest of a huge mandate to unseat the Congress and had his writ on politics till 1995 in Odisha. Being an unconventional politician, he supported the rise of governance that was forward looking which rode over trivial barriers and that made him a mass leader or a statesman who healed the wounded psyche of people.
Then after a brief stint by the Congress under JB and Giridhar Gamang as chief ministers, at last, the circumstances led Hemananda Biswal to hold the reigns for a brief phase but as the curtain-caller for the Congress.
Politics Of Popularity
In 2000, in Odisha, politics underwent a reincarnation when Naveen Patnaik emerged on the political firmament and made a fabulous marination of politics powered by popularity and a robust delivery mechanism.
As the chief minister in a new era, as the first timer chief minister, Naveen Patnaik drove his politics in an unassuming, discrete and simple manner but never being ready to genuflect before wrongs. With his ear to the ground he listened to all but did what people wanted him to do.