Odisha To Provide Additional 200 Days Work In 20 Migration-Prone Blocks Under MGNREGA

Bhubaneswar, July 19: To arrest distress migration in the 20 migration-prone Blocks of Balangir, Bargarh, Kalahandi and Nuapada districts, the Odisha Cabinet on Tuesday approved a new State Sector Scheme: called “State Support to MGNREGS.
Official sources said the Job Seekers under MGNREGA in the 20 migration prone Blocks of the four districts under the scheme will be paid additional wages over and above the notified wage rate under MGNREGA to be commensurate with the notified minimum wage rate for the unskilled workers in the State per person per day.
The differential amount (i.e. Notified minimum wages for the unskilled workers in the State – Notified wage rate under MGNREGA) per person per day will be borne by the State Government under the new scheme.
The State Government will provide additional 200 days of work over and above the guaranteed 100
days of work mandated under the MGNREG Act, 2005 in the 20 migration-prone Blocks of the four districts.
The entire cost towards payment of wages @ unskilled wage rate notified by the State Government per person per day, beyond the guaranteed 100 days of wage employment under MGNREGA will be borne by the State Government under the new State Sector Scheme, sources said.