Odisha Govt Hands Over Land For Establishment Of NCDC In Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: As another milestone towards qualitative universal health services, the Government has expedited the process for the establishment of a comprehensive branch of the National Centre for Disease Control ( NCDC) in Odisha.
Handing over of the registered land deed and possession was done today evening in the Conference hall of the Health and Family Welfare department under the Chairmanship of Secretary Shalini Pandit.
Speaking on the occasion Pandit said, “ Odisha has rolled out transformative approach in quality health care services under the guidance of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. Establishment of NCDC will add to this process”.
She said that State Government worked in complete convergence and collaboration with Central Units like RMRC, the Institute of Life Sciences, and AIIMS during the global pandemic of Covid-19.
This collaboration proved very successful in containment of the pandemic. NCDC would further strengthen State’s strength in disease surveillance and public health service, she added.
Joining the discussion Director General of Health Services Government of India (GoI) Prof ( Dr) Atul Goel complemented the Government of Odisha for its benchmark-level accomplishments in disaster management.
Prof Goel said NCDC at Bhubaneswar would be like a Regional Center of Health and Family Welfare Government of India.
He added, the institute would work in complete collaboration with State machinery for improving disease surveillance, and control of diseases having public health implications.
Prof Goel emphasized that “prevention of the diseases should be given equal focus along with clinical treatment”.
Director of Public Health Dr Niranjan Mishra said that during the COVID-19 Pandemic, State adopted a holistic approach to successful prevention and containment measures.
This approach averted cases and deaths in a strategic manner which was appreciated globally. State also strengthened the existing 32 District Public Health Laboratories and developed its own network of 30 RT-PCR laboratories for testing, diagnosis, and timely dissemination of results in the community. NCDC would be another significant addition, Dr Mishra added.
Discussions in the meeting showed that the State Government had approved the proposal for the establishment NCDC with a State of Art Laboratory in Odisha.
Accordingly, land measuring AC03.125 dec. was allotted for this purpose, in favour of the Director, NCDC, Government of India, at Andharua Mauza of Khordha district, free of premium, and waiver of registration fees.
The land registered deed was signed by CDMO Khordha Dr Artabandhu Nayak from the side of State Government and Director General Dr Goel from the side of GoI.
It may be pertinent to mention here that NCDC, Ministry of Health & FW Department, GoI is the nodal agency in the country for disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, rapid response for disasters, and prevention and control of communicable diseases of Public Health Importance in coordination with the State Governments/UT Administrations.
The scope of NCDC State Branch includes the following.
• Support the State in strengthening Integrated Disease Surveillance activities, Post pandemic surveillance, and laboratory surveillance of emerging and reemerging infections of public health Importance as per International Health Regulations
• Expand a gamut of diagnostic services for communicable diseases, Non-communicable diseases of public health importance and will be the apex lab for 32 District Public health Laboratories, State Referral laboratories at MCHs and other Laboratories at state (State Public Health Lab at CH, BBSR) and sub-district level
• Provide the hand holding for bio-safety & bio-security along with the quality assurance activities for DPHLs, RTPCR labs and lower level laboratories.
• Support the State in strengthening the public health infrastructure & Laboratory for capacity building of related Stakeholders regarding preparedness and rapid response to outbreaks and disasters
• Monitor the emerging trend of diseases along with vector control measures through entomological surveillance and also support in Operational Research activities
• Provide timely guidance for inventory management of logistics, storage and distribution of Diagnostic Kits, Drugs and PPEs.
• Develop a Laboratory Management information System (LMIS) for ensuring timely communication of results and an Early Warning System for all districts.
Joint Director NCDC Dr Shikha Vardhan, Regional Director Dr Suchitra Sasmal, Director Public Health Dr Niranjan Mishra CDMO Khordha Dr Artabandhu Nayak along with senior officers of concerned departments participated in the event.