Hirakud Dam to open 40 gates to discharge flood water

Sambalpur, Aug 16 : The Hirakud Dam Project (HDP) authority has decided to open 14 more gates to discharge more flood waters from the dam.
At present 26 gates are kept open to discharge flood water.
Chief engineer of the dam project Ananda Chandra Sahu said since more water is coming from Chhattisgarh and the upper catchments of the reservoir, a decision has been taken to open 40 gates to release the flood water by Wednesday.
Sahu however said there is nothing to be worried at present stating that “we have sufficient ‘Flood Space’
now also”.
The Chief Engineer however said a flood cannot be averted under the present situation but he maintained that there is no danger at all.
At present water level in the reservoir stands at 626.58 feet against the MWL of 630 feet. Hence, it’s a matter of concern for all as the MWL is just a few feet away, he said.
“As per rule curve, the water level in the reservoir is to be maintained at 622 feet on September 1.
But the sudden and unprecedented rain in the middle of August created a delicate situation for us, Sahu said adding “we are doing the best water management to keep the water level of the Dam at 618 feet without creating a major flood threat downstream.
Official sources said on Tuesday night nearly 12 lakh cusecs water will flow at Mundali which will be reduced on Wednesday since the Hirakud Dam authorities have closed eight gates on Monday.
He said about 6 lakh to 6.30 lakh cusecs of water from 40 sluice gates and power channel will reach Munduli almost 36 hours after the complete opening of gates from Hirakud Dam but by then the situation in Mundali will be in a much better and safer position, Sahu said.
There is no extraordinary situation like 1980 this year, and hence a major flood is ruled out, the Chief Engineer of Hirakud Dam said.
On September 20, 1980, the dam authorities were forced to open 88 gates, both upper and lower, as the situation was so alarming then and this created devastation in most parts of the state, ” Sahu recalled.
“But we will not let such a situation occur this time,” he remarked.