11 Senior Officers Of Odisha Administrative Service Promoted To IAS Level

Bhubaneswar: President Ram Nath on Friday promoted 11 officers of Odisha Administrative Service to India Administrative Service against available vacancies.
The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, in a notification, stated the officers of the select list of 2020 will be on probation until further orders. They will be allocated the Odisha cadre under Rule 5(1) of the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954.
Here’s the list of the officers promoted to the IAS level:
- Susamarani Devi
- Dilip Routrai
- Sudhakar Burgi
- Dr Uddhaba Chandra Majhi
- Jyoti Kumar Lakra
- Indramani Tripathy
- Subrata Satpathy
- Trilochan Pradhan
- Alok Kumar Kar
- Susanta Kumar Dash
- Kamal Lochan Mishra