Walk-The-Dog Arrogance By IAS Couple Was No Crime! Just Transfers To Better Locations

By D N Singh
The incident that came to the light relating to the high-handedness of two IAS couple in Delhi was an eye-opener for many, may be. They had the audacity to get a public place vacated for the detestable luxury of their Dog’s evening walk at the Thyagraj Stadium.
May be the incident can be seen as a tip of an iceberg that the comity of officers with that three letter tag, dare returning to the erstwhile colonial unruliness.
Of course it cannot be construed as an adolescent feat but a well calculated show of arrogance.
The normal concept among the people is many such IAS Officer in India were known to notoriously abuse their powers like the one in the case Sanjeev Khirwar and his IAS wife Rinku Dugga, demonstrated through Walk-the-Dog fun.
Many people have taken to the twitter handle asking if the people with an IAS tag are cut above the rest of the intellectuals in the society. And who gave them this handle to perpetuate such illegal flaunting of power.
And this incident had happened right under the nose of the ministry concerned which has let them go scot-free with transfers to cooler locations like Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh.
That was the eventual action slapped on the couple but not a punishment for such a hotheaded violation. They are going to better locations where they can carry on with such fallacies with a notch higher.
The news has become such an eyesore that the #kutta (dog) has started trending on the twitter. Who should be, now, more confused than the rest. One twittered even “ where would he(dog) walk whether in Arunachal or in Ladakh!”
Going through several such incidents of misuse of power by such officers, in many places in the country, one can say that, such insensitive mind-sets must have born of occasional alliance of the tag and the silence of the system which should strongly curb such aberrations at the cost of the common man.
Media must rise to such occasions and place the truth before the society, other than reporting facts, rest are nothing but public relationship.