Here Is Where America Needs A Lesson Or Two From The Indian Culture, Value Of Life

By D N Singh
For what has happened today in Texas, America, in an incident of firing in which 21 were killed among which there were 18 young children, was horrifying.
Although the shooter has been tracked and killed but the issue remains unresolved that why such culture of guns has made its home in America.
With he being killed by the security personnel has also died the intentions behind.
What leads to such vicious path in a society like America is not yet found out. Are these the outcomes of getting back at those who hurt them or valuing life, or ill-motivated by the movies or extreme frustration in personal life, there could be plethora such variables to analyse the incidents.
Being bullied or funned at, or loss on value of life or being hurt by others or victims of physical abuses, these are reasons those can be looked at.
In America this year 27 such incidents of school shooting took place which has still failed to enable the political and the administrative heads to control the gun culture.
Is That Self-doubting
The incident on Tuesday in Uvalde, in an elementary school can also be traced to a variable called entertaining self-doubts, self-prejudice or a sheer culmination of certain frustrations within.
May be these could be a product of rejoicing any sadistic pleasure in others’ pain. No words can define such demonic and bizarre state of the mind of an 18 year-old, who, reportedly had wounded his grand mother before the rampage in the school in Uvalde.
According to some media reports, the attacker was wearing body armour as he carried out the attack. Another 18-year-old who is suspected of attacking a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, some days back, on 14 May, was also wearing body armour and carrying a semi-automatic rifle – both of which are commercially available in the US.
The criminal shooter, reportedly Salvador Ramos, had abandoned his vehicle outside and did that horrifically incomprehensible act to kill the innocent children, so young and unsuspecting little souls to see death face to face.
Down few years America has earned the dubious distinction of school shootings. Is it that in America where guns have overtaken car crashes as the leading cause of death for children and teenagers.
Has modernity hollowed the mental sanity of the people there. Modernity coupled with isolated state of children and heavily dependent on videos and cinema could be one major variable.
Guns there must be checked and purer means of value-based rearing, like in India, is required to be inculcated. Before another school joins the role-call of such school shooting like in Uvalde.