Down The Memory Lane, Travel From Height To The Rock-bottom

By D N Singh
When sitting alone in a self-imposed seclusion, the cycle of life gets into a rewind mode which brings back moments of the past and, a few deadly truths in human lives in present.
It can happen to anyone who sticks by the values of life and tries to back-pedal through the realities to the present again.
When it rains, the drops those fall on the earth but before they vanish they leave a feel that, there is no temperature or temper which is permanent. And that is the truth.
Truth is such a power which never allows us to be weak and knowledge is another truth that powers us never to be let down by any circumstances.
It is also a hard truth that, bad times help one pass through phases which one would not have realized of in good times, never thought of.
Whatever comes on your way is or may be, good, but we must have the spirit to accept it because HE who gives us all that, knows better what is given to us.
That is where time brings in the metastasis into play. Like, patience which may be very bitter but it ends at a point, which is exulting.
Like darkness of worries are dangerous than the darkness of nights, so in life, try not to allow worries to be dominant and go for thinking.
When anger dominates then one does not need much power to scream but it requires much more power to remain quiet.
Look at another rock-bottom truth of life. Time is a great leveler and it can flatten all the curves of rich-hood or poor, and what an astounding leveler that, in a cremation ground for all, there is one bed only, both for poor and rich.