AI invasion: Digital, physical and biological merger to be in years but would end in a society ruled by pain and fights

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
It all sounds like a fairy tale. That by 2045 the bondage of human and Artificial Intelligence(AI) will be so inseparable that, there has to be a merger, predicted Ray Kurzwell, Google’s director of engineering. Ray has remained equally known as a ‘self-proclaimed futurist’ and he also foresee a fantastic blend of the three: digital, physical and biological.
The merger will become billion fold and surpass all the contours of human inteligence. But will that sustain as because, only the rich can afford that leading to strifes, inequality induced complexes and even hunger.
On the other hand, many social theorists and economists believe that humanity may be moving towards a dystopian future, where corporations and the rich will use technology to deny work to many, and it would lead to social strife, conflicts and greater inequality.
Nirmala Sitharaman spoke about how drones can be utilised in land surveying, spraying insecticides and digitisation of land records. She said that in the field of education, the DESH Stack ecosystem would be announced for skilling, re-skilling, and upskilling through online training. The proposed ecosystem will use blockchain technology to make the process of skill acquisition transparent and efficient.
India even has a 4IR centre in Mumbai run by WEF, which is closely working with several state governments.
On February 19, the Union minister of state for science and technology, Jitendra Singh, launched the pan-India 3D maps programme by Genesys International for the 100 smart cities.
The company plans to map an entire city in intricate detail so that many 4IR revolution technology-based projects, such as driverless cars, will become easier to implement. It is the first step towards completely connected living as envisioned under 4IR.