Celebrate Music Day Flying On The Wings Of Melody To A Zone Where, One Breathes Bliss And Solitude

By D N Singh
Music is something which is difficult to be defined in a few or many words. It is boundless and all impacting by its far-reaching impact on the psyche of human and even beyond that, on animals.
Its outreach remains unfathomable, flying up and upto the far and higher regions beyond the earth or even beyond the atmosphere.
It is unique and there is nothing like music in this world which, it is often said, can breathe healings into an ailing being and can, sometimes being imagined that, it can stir the dead.
Let there be the sound of music reverberate around, it gets right into your head and body, smoothening everything around like the foliage smile after a brief shower with the rain drops on the leaves creating the look of eardrop pearls.
Be in a place much higher among the hills in the mornings and allow a music play to serenade the morning spectacle and there goes your favourite music resonating. You are just lost on that pedestal of peace where many miles are drowned in tranquility and recreating a mirage of loneliness of years.
Alone at home at day break, the good music may take you away on a journey to faraway places and times, where one can languish in a memory of time gone by and a throwback to a time, taking closer to people who are no longer present.
Good music has the magic to lift up one’s depressions and worries and make an otherwise bad day suddenly feel like a new beginning.
World Music Day
Music cannot be limited to a day neither its celebrations. It is all pervasive in sphere and time in all its forms, and its impact had on the world and human spirit.
Just pick your headphone and play an upbeat tune and waltz down the streets as if you are in a world of your imagination.
Or be at a spot where meandering through the rocks the small dales gurgle through and the birds up in the tree branches keep charping, that in itself is a music and many lyrics have their origin from there. That is not only a solace to the ears but a respite from the monstrosity of cacophony of the cities or towns.
Music has the power to lift up your body when even if you do not feel like to get up from your bed. It is soul soothing and always adds some more times to your life span.
Choice is that of anybody to choose their favourite numbers but one must celebrate the music on World Music Day and each day when you want to rise up and ride over the moments those depress you.
Come on, lets take the opportunity to do it and celebrate the music day and get carried on the wings of melody to another world of imagination where ones breathe bliss and solitude.