Dandruff has started appearing in the pores of the hair, if you use camphor worth Rs 2 like this, the stubborn dandruff stuck on the roots will be eliminated.

get rid of dandruff
Many people are very troubled by the problem of dandruff in hair. Due to the problem of dandruff, people start itching their head and gradually due to this, people get pimples and infection in their head. The white layer of dandruff falls off and spreads on the clothes. Because of this they often have to feel embarrassed in front of others. Let us tell you that there are many reasons behind dandruff. For example, not taking proper care of your hair, not cleaning it properly and dandruff sticking to the roots of your head not only reduces the growth of your hair but also makes your hair weak and start breaking. In such a situation, if you are also struggling with this problem, then to cure it from the root, you should mix camphor in coconut oil and apply it. You must also try these remedies to get rid of dandruff.
Mixture of coconut oil and camphor is effective in removing dandruff::
Anti-fungal and antibacterial properties are found in coconut oil and camphor. Coconut oil is considered very beneficial in reducing dandruff and itching. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals. It is considered beneficial in providing moisture to dry scalp. Camphor is also considered effective for hair health and dandruff. Its antibacterial properties are effective in removing dandruff. Besides, it rapidly increases blood circulation and reduces dryness of hair.
Prepare this mixture like this:
Take 2 camphor tablets. Take 1/2 cup coconut oil. Now grind camphor tablets and mix them with coconut oil. Then put coconut oil in a bowl and heat it on gas until camphor starts dissolving in it. Apply coconut and camphor oil on the head and massage. After applying camphor coconut oil, leave it overnight. Wash your hair with cold water in the morning or wash your hair one hour after applying this oil.