Zelenskyy Hopes For Chinese Support Amid War

Kyiv, April 2: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed hope on having China on its side amid the ongoing conflict with Russia. “I would like the China People’s Republic to be on our side, but nevertheless it will be their choice,” he said in an interview with Fox News broadcaster on Friday. He further said that it would be difficult to reach a settlement without direct communication between China and the US.
He said that his country is looking for commitments from “leading nations” that Ukraine’s security will be protected with a treaty if it is to agree to a deescalation with Russia and reiterated his belief that Ukraine would be a beneficial addition to NATO, Fox News reported.
He said, “It’s hard for us to talk about NATO because NATO doesn’t want to admit us. I think it’s a mistake because if we join NATO, we make NATO much stronger. We are not a weak state. We are not proposing to make us stronger at the expense of NATO…We are an addition, we are the locomotive. I think we are one of the important components of the European continent.”
Earlier, China had refused to join the Western sanctions imposed on Russia for invading Ukraine. Replying to a question on the fire at oil depot in Russia’s Belgrod, the Ukraine President said, “I do not discuss any of my orders as commander-in-chief, the leader of this state. There are things which I only share with the armed forces of Ukraine when they talk to me.
“What matters for us is that you and the whole world should know that we are a country at war. We were attacked. That is what matters. That is the biggest tragedy. “And today, to hear those reports about something happening someplace something exploded while there is war in Ukraine – honestly it’s not professional to talk about it. They occupied our territory. They attacked us. This war going on for 8 years so whatever happens in a certain situation it’s hard for me to comment.”
He further said, “A victory of truth means a victory for Ukraine and Ukrainians. The question is when it will end. That is a deep question. It’s a painful question. Besides victory, the Ukrainian people will not accept any outcome.” Speaking about the deal that he was “willing to agree to”, he said, “We do not trade our territory. The question of territorial integrity and sovereignty is out of discussion.”