Russia’s Interests Indisputable Priority: Putin

Moscow, Feb 23: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said Moscow is open for a “direct and honest dialogue” but its interest are “indisputable priority”. Speaking in a video address on ‘Defencer of the Fatherland Day’, the President lauded the military’s “professionalism” and said it will stand up for the country’s national interests.
His remarks came as the number of countries imposing sanctions on Russia are increasing following his move to send his troops to Eastern Ukraine. In retaliation to the growing criticisms, he said, “Our country is always open to a direct and honest dialogue and ready to search for diplomatic solutions to the most complicated issues. But I want to repeat that Russia’s interests and the security of our people are an indisputable priority. “We will continue to strengthen and modernise our Army and Navy, striving to increase their effectiveness, so they are fitted out with the most cutting-edge equipment. “We have weapons that are second to none in the world and they are operational.
We will continue to develop promising weapon systems, including hypersonic weapons and those based on new physical principles, and expand the use of advanced digital technology and elements of artificial intelligence. “Complexes like these are weapons of the future, which can boost the potential of our Armed Forces several-fold.” On Wednesday, more number of countries, including Canada and Japan joined the US in imposing sanctions on Russia. UK foreign Secretary Liz Truss has said Britain will no longer sell Russia sovereign debt in London.