Putin Has Ordered Attack On Ukraine Claims US

Washington, Feb 21: The US intelligence agency has issued a new warning amid the ongoing escalation in Russia and Ukraine. Sources in US intelligence claimed that the Russian military has been ordered to proceed with an attack against Ukraine and is now working on a final plan of attack.
Amidst the ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine, the US intelligence agency has issued a new warning. Sources in US intelligence claimed that the Russian military has been ordered to proceed with an attack against Ukraine and is now working on a final plan of attack. It is being told that Russian tanks are moving towards Ukraine. According to these sources, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian forces to attack Ukraine. An estimated 30,000 Russian troops are stationed in Ukraine’s neighboring Belarus to the north. About 150,000 Russian troops are stationed outside Ukraine’s borders with tanks, warplanes, artillery and other munitions.
US newspaper CBS has claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered commanders to attack Ukraine. According to reports, it was that intelligence only. Convinced US President Joe Biden to say that Vladimir Putin has made up his mind to attack Ukraine. Biden is currently closely monitoring the Ukraine crisis.
According to the New York Post report, US intelligence sources have claimed that Russia is going to conduct a cyber attack before a direct attack on Ukraine. In the end, the ground forces will capture the cities of Ukraine. The letters Z have been painted on Russian frontline army vehicles, tanks and these tanks are seen moving towards the Ukraine border.
Ukraine shares its northern border with Belarus. With the presence of Russian troops, Western countries fear that they may enter the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. Western leaders have warned that Russia may attack its neighboring country, Ukraine. It has deployed about 150,000 troops, war planes and other equipment on all three sides of the border.