2 int’l aid Workers Kidnapped By Unknown Gunmen

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Aden, Yemen, March 6 : Two workers of the international medical charity Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres/MSF) were kidnapped by gunmen in Yemen’s southeastern province of Hadramout, a security official told Xinhua. The aid workers, nationals of Germany and Mexico, were intercepted when travelling in the western part of Hadramout, the local security source said on condition of anonymity. “The unidentified gunmen set up an armed ambush and kidnapped two MSF’s aid workers, driving them to unknown whereabouts,” the local source said. Last month, Russell Geekie, senior communications advisor to the UN resident and humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, confirmed that five UN staff members were kidnapped in Abyan Province “after having completed a field mission.” The UN staff members are still held by unknown gunmen as a mediation conducted by local tribal figures failed to get them released despite a series of negotiation rounds with an armed group responsible for the kidnapping incident.