Apr 10: If no addressed in proper time then stress and the related health issues can lead to serious and graver disease – Depression. For what the psychiatrists, therapists and spiritual motivators opine for “Stress Management” to keep people’s day-to-day life, easier, happier and carefree.
A report has revealed that with a number of companies across the world proposing 4-day workweek for employees, majority of employers in India also strongly agree that this model will help in reducing stress level.
Over 60% of the employers strongly agree that the new 4-day workweek model will be successful in uplifting the overall morale of the organisation with job satisfaction and work-life balance, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels, a report by HR Firm says.
With a number of companies across the world proposing 4-day workweek for employees, a report has revealed that a majority of employers in India strongly agree that this model will help in reducing stress level.
However, 27 percent of the employers who participated in the survey said they were not sure of its implications on organisations’ productivity.
The remaining 11 percent disagreed with the notion, arguing that the 4-day work model would neither improve nor yield any drastic positive results, it said.
The report is based on a survey conducted online among 1,113 employers and employees between February 1 and March 7 across sectors, including banking and finance, construction and engineering, education, FMCG, hospitality, HR solutions, IT, ITES and BPO, logistics, manufacturing, media, oil and gas.
The survey found that 100 percent employees are in favour of the 4-day workweek model.
Further, when employers were asked if they are willing to work beyond 12 hours to compensate for an extra day off, over 56 percent agreed instantly, while the remaining 44 percent of the respondents were not convinced about stretching their usual working hours.
Similarly, 60 percent employees in the survey said they are willing to work more than 12 hours in exchange for another weekly off.
Over 66 percent of respondents strongly believed that the 4-day week module will help them improve their productivity levels, the report said.
The survey also revealed that for employers, the most preferred third day off is Friday (52 per cent), followed by Monday (18 percent), Wednesday (18 percent) and Thursday (11 percent).
Few countries and organisations from a standalone perspective have already implemented this work module. They find it praise-worthy module for helping employees manage both their personal and work lives better. Some feel the 4-day week model has enabled them to push their boundaries, contribute and perform better.
The module has piqued a lot of curiosity and has made few organisations wonder if they should consider adopting the same for their company structure with immediate effect or in near future for a pilot trial basis for trial and error and then a proven theory manner.
NB: With external Inputs other than UNI