Mobilenews24x7 Bureau (Exclusive)
Perceptions may vary from time to time but, the die cast realities remain with us. There is a heated exchange of perceptions between the real and the notional regime.
Whether, poverty or hunger is the biggest violation of human rights or terrorism. India it has been a long march by the poverty have a painful bearing on the nation.
But, sadly though, that issue hardly gets the page one space in the present political discourses around.
A recent yet contested survey result revealed that, India is on a losing ground as regards the Global Hunger Index. Clocking a dismal rank of 107/121.
Although that has been repudiated by India. But, looking at some reported figures tell us something more disappointing.
More under 5 children die in India than anywhere else in the world due to hunger. Plus, a recent estimate puts this figure at over 1.5 mn kids a year, which means 4,500 kids every day.
Although the above figures are not officially accepted but, if seen in hind sight, not such number of people die due to terrorism.
So, it would not be an escape conduit to say that, hunger is not the biggest issue being upper most.
On top of that, what weighs heavily on the people on the ground is the inflation which is intricately linked to hunger or poverty.
Elections are, in a way, viewed as the White Papers on the achievement of the people who rule. But what cannot be oversighted is the premise of freebies on which the polls are now so intimately relatable.
When quick yet temporary gains over shadow the realities and that is it.