New Delhi, Nov 10 : The Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Personnel launched a Nationwide Campaign for Promotion of Digital Life Certificate for the central government pensioners.
In November 2021, Jitendra Singh, the Union Minister of State had launched the milestone ‘Face Authentication Technique’ of submitting a Life Certificate through any Android Mobile Phone. Now, the department is launching a special nationwide campaign for promoting the digital life certificate through digital mode and to popularise the Face Authentication technique, said the officials.
All the registered Pensioners Associations, Pension Disbursing Banks, Ministries of Government of India and CGHS Wellness Centres have been directed to promote the Digital Life Certificate/Face Authentication Technique for submitting life certificate by organising special camps for ‘Ease of Living’ of pensioners.
Recently, the Central Pension Accounting office noted that the cyber fraudsters have been calling pensioners to update their life certificate by getting their data. It had alerted the pensioners to beware of fraud calls. All the pensioners have been cautioned to beware of these types of fraud calls and have been advised not to share OTP or any other details, etc., for any updation for pension to avoid such frauds.