‘Jupiter opposition with sun’ will occur on Sep 27 :PSI Hyderabad

Hyderabad, Sep 26 : One of the exciting celestial events of the year ”Jupiter Opposition with Sun” will occur at 1.03 AM on Tuesday.
Planetary Society of India (PSI) Director N Sri Raghunandan Kumar in a release here on Monday said as a result of this, celestial phenomenon Planet Jupiter (Bruhaspati/Guru) is now closest to Earth.
In view of Jupiter is closest to earth, it is now brightest and appears biggest than anytime in the entire year.
This year Jupiter Opposition (which is once in 13 months annual event) coincides with “Perihelion of Jupiter to Sun” in few months.
Hence, Jupiter tomorrow, would be closest in the last 59 years as per NASA Data.
A planet (during course of its journey around sun) is said to be at opposition when it is directly opposite the Sun from our viewpoint on Earth. Importantly during opposition the planet in question would be at its closest approach to earth and thus would appear more big and brighter than usual, Mr Kumar said.
Stating that Jupiter oppositions occur once every 13 months, he said t he last opposition of Jupiter occurred on August 21, 2021 and next would be on November 3, 2023.
Though planet is at opposition for only one day, nevertheless for visual purposes it is almost as good for viewing for a couple of weeks to a month before and after opposition.
On September 27, if one can see our solar system from above, they would see Sun and Jupiter on either side of earth wherein all these three celestial bodies appearing in a Line. This kind of alignment is not possible in other parts of the year as location of Jupiter and Earth in their respective orbits and distance varies.
Further, the PSI Director said due to Opposition, people can easily locate Jupiter looking opposite direction to Sun Set in the evening and look opposite direction of Sunrise to locate Jupiter in the morning.
All in all due to Jupiter Opposition, as the Sun sets in west, Jupiter rises (east) in the evening. Whereas as Sun rises in the Morning, Jupiter sets in west. All this means Jupiter right now is visible all over the night due to Opposition tomorrow, he added.