Family struck by horror with deadly black mamba under Family Christmas Tree at home

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Christmas has its unique charm and euphoria before the advent of the new year. But what a family in South Africa encountered was a shocker. From the mirth of celebrations to a jaw-dropping sight in the shape of dangerous snake sleethring from under the family Christmas Tree!
Traditionally, people expect to get their gifts and toys from the Christmas tree, but a South African family was shocked when one of the most poisonous snakes in the world crawled out from underneath their tree.
In order to get rid of the poisonous snake, the family summoned a professional snake catcher Nick Evans.
Nick took to Facebook to share an image of the black mamba and tell his followers about the family’s horrifying experience.
“Santa left me an early Christmas present, although not at my house, no, under someone else’s Christmas tree,” he joked.
“I picked it up from where it was hiding, with the tongs, lifted it over the wires and things that could get knocked over, put it on the lounge floor and pinned it down.
“The family were rather shocked as you can imagine.
“It’s one of the more amusing places I’ve found a mamba.”
The snake had been outside but made its way into the home and hid by the tree after being seen by a gardener.
Nick said: “Well, actually, the snake was outside when it was disturbed by the gardener. It then moved away from him, out of fear, saw the open door, and ducked inside.”
Comments underneath the post suggested that other Facebook users were less enthusiastic about the venomous reptile.
“Christmas would be canceled after this,” said one user.
“Someone in that house was on Santa’s naughty list,” said another.