By D N Singh
Auto immune disorder, immunosuppressant distancing from the nature, then pandemic coupled with Pandemic induced hiatus between man and progress, were few of the colossal retardation which became a fall-out impact on which 2022 was laced with.
In hind sight, 2020 and 2021 can rightly be tagged as the reigning queens those had a roll-over impact on 2022 which we still battle with.
Obviously, politics cannot be absolved of its role in de-containing the ills like Covid. Notwithstanding the virulence of such a continuity of diseases, electoral politics was allowed to sail back to its targets as a convenient tool.
Leaders, good at homilies, as usual, even ignored the required cautions and political compulsions superseded health and welfare, be it polls in West Bengal and the recent ones like Punjab, Himachal and Gujarat, an upfront obfuscation of the bottom reality.
Long marches, bearing on the nation, by migrants from several states during the first phase was such a humongous disorder that went beyond all control. The nation for a while was drained of its emotions before the stunning yet avoidable political compulsions.
Predictions by health experts were given a virtual go by from our leaders but never adhered to in any serious manner.
Now, before the dust settles down, another specter of Covid variants like Omicron has loomed over which is growing unsparing in its menace.
Unemployment got a new peak and the so called cast iron predictions for a rapid roll back of hard times did prove futile and is so to this date.
Prices of fuel to essential commodities, including medicines, still remains on a spiral climb forcing the majority simply to be used with the perils.
Including many deveeloped nations, many other countries took it very casually that, Covid was on the diminish and that is where the calculations went wrong.
Be it 2023 or the year to follow, but time can never be the same regardless of what our leaders claim.